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The Editing Process:

   The editing process is one of the most crucial parts of being a Co-Editor-in-Chief. It involves going through every piece of writing and graphic design with a fine tooth comb. There are several different steps we take to ensure that everything we produce is great content. 

   Our deadlines are two week deadlines, within these deadlines we have many mini deadlines that help the editors and staff stay on track. The first of three mini deadlines include completing a spread planner. 

   The spread planner lists all the people that are intended to be covered the angle of the story and the photos they are planning on using. The editors go over every groups spread planner just to double check somethings not getting covered twice and every group has a general direction they are planning on going. 

   The second mini deadline is the story. I go over stories and highlight and comment on their stories on google docs which the staffers share with all the editors. I leave comments on things that need to be changed like if there is a grammatical issue or bias within the story. The goal is to get the story ready to be published before deadline day so in case a group has to rewrite they have plenty of time to change minor or major errors. 

   The last mini deadline is general design layout the editors just go over and make sure all design elements are cohesive and everything's following design rules etc. 



As soon as spread proofs come in the editors and I go through and mark mistakes, things we could improve on and double check all the photo quality etc. We go through several times and mark things to tweak before giving the proofs to the staff. They then tweak the things we told them to. We then go through the proof and revised version to make sure everything is fixed. The final step in proofing is our adviser then re prints the spreads and anything that was missed in the proofing process our adviser has the us fix and then submit to walsworth. 


Check Off Sheet:

Before a group is allowed to leave a deadline the staffer has to go through several pages of the packet to double check everything from copy photos to double checking the folio. After the staffer is finished and editor has to go through the packet as well. If there is anything they missed we let them fix it or tell them anything they can improve. The check off sheet was made to ensure that their will be as little mistakes as possible when the proofing process comes along. 

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