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   All the years that journalism has been offered to me I have taken it, starting in my sophomore year of high school. I first began as a news paper staffer where I then transitioned to a yearbook assistant editor and worked my way up to Co-Editor-in-Chief. Through hard work I learned time management, and organizational skills to help me in everyday life, I also found my passion; journalism.

   When I first transitioned into the high school building I had no idea what I wanted to do after school. While most of my friends had plans of careers in teaching or the medical field I had no idea of what I wanted to do or what I was even passionate about. I was doing just enough in my classes to keep myself at a c and d average. I had no clue what joining the newspaper staff would do for me or the life skills it would teach me. When I was introduced to writing journalistically and told the many stories of people my age and even younger making a difference in their school and community I was excited about it. After writing my first couple stories I learned I was passionate about journalism. I learned how to interview people and find stories going on in our school that affected the everyday lives of students and learned everyday skills I could apply to other places in my life like time management, organizational skills and communication skills.

   When I moved to yearbook staff I learned even more the value of time management. The passion I have for journalism pushed me to get things not just done but done well and to do everything with the best of your ability. Not only did I spend lots of free time trying to make spreads and stories the best I could it also pushed me in other areas of my life. I was held accountable for my actions and was responsible to get my stuff done without having to be told more than one. I began to use the time management and organizational skills i had learned in newspaper and yearbook in my academic classes. I went from a c and d average student to making all a’s and b’s and even trying out ap courses.

   Becoming a Co-Editor-in-Chief helped me grow in communication skills and as a leader. I never was comfortable in a leadership position, through journalism I learned how to guide people and communicate effectively to get tasks done. I hope through the years journalism can keep pushing me to be a better and more responsible. Sometime I lack in certain areas like patience and graphic design but I'm hoping journalism can keep pushing me and teaching me skills i can keep applying to all areas of my life.

   My experience in journalism and publications have made me a better person and student. It's given me a passion I want to pursue outside of high school. The skills I've learned in journalism will help me in my everyday life and help me grow as a person.




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